Welcome to
Ener/G Vision
What is more important to your non-profit;
Monetary Donations or Volunteers?
The Action-Based Charitable Contribution was created to provide both; ENER/G volunteers its expertise in processing payments and donations, and in addition, ENER/G will donate 50% of the net profits from the account back to your organization.
Ener/G is honored to be in a position to give back, by actions and monetary contribution to programs that inspire, care for, support and offer refuge to underserved populations, This is about what we can do for you.
Charities should NOT have to pay to accept donations from cards.
Nonprofit organizations live by their operating budget.
Inflation is approx. 7-9% and directly affects the costs associated with your mission.
Increasingly, nonprofits request the donor pay the fees associated with the donation.
Visa, MasterCard and Amex DO NOT waive any fees, nor do they make donations to charities, BUT I DO!
We pledge to donate 50% of net profits for the entirety of ENER/G processing your account.
You must have a processor in place to process donations, no matter how you accept them.
✔ There are always fees to accept payment/donations via card
✔ The interchange and processing fees vary based on card type (see below)
✔ Business credit cards charge the highest %, and are often your biggest dollar value donations
✔ Capitalize on the full donation regardless of card type
✔ is proprietary technology that passes the fees onto the donor
✔ also accepts donations using ACH at very low rates
✔ processing fees are fixed, regardless of card type, to ensure that you capture the full donation
Depending on the type of card being used, interchange rates are up to 3.15% + $0.25 per transaction + miscellaneous processor administration and service fees. 4% ensures all fees are covered, with enough to give back. And there are no additional transaction fees.
Ener/G Tax Deductions
Since 2020, individuals may deduct up to 100% of adjusted gross income and corporations may deduct 25% of taxable income.*
People are inclined to make tax-deductible donations using a card for several reasons including:
Reward points
Companion pass or airline status minimum spend
Cash back on certain cards
Points multipliers on certain cards for charitable contributions
*All donors should consult a tax professional regarding questions. https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations/charitable-contribution-deductions